If you often experience digestive upset symptoms like:
Acid reflux
Foul smelling gas
Abdominal pains
Loose stools, diarrhea
Food sensitivities & intolerances
... then it's time for a Gut Check!
If you experience these symptoms on a regular basis, this is NOT NORMAL and it's essential that you listen to your body because it's trying to tell you something. These symptoms are signs that you are not digesting your food well and there is likely an overgrowth of gut bacteria, fungi or even parasites that are living it up in your digestive tract.
The common remedy of taking Tums, Pepto Bismo, Prilosec or other such medications is not a long-term solution. And while it may help to tame the burn or bloat temporarily, these medications are actually inhibiting your body from properly digesting your food and are in turn encouraging the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your GI tract.
If you don't address the underlying issues of poor digestion and bacterial overgrowths then you will just continue to experience digestive upset and other GI problems. Not only will these symptoms persist, but letting your gut health go unchecked will lead to nutrient deficiencies, chronic inflammation and worsening health issues such as:
Leaky gut
Weight gain & weight loss resistance
Skin problems
Allergies, asthma
IBS & IBD (crohns, colitis, diverticulitis)
Mood problems (depression, anxiety, mood swings)
Chronic fatigue
Poor sleep, insomnia
Blood sugar imbalances, Type 2 diabetes
Metabolic disorders
Liver congestion, fatty liver disease
Cardiovascular disease
Hormone imbalances, PCOS, infertility
Auto-immune conditions
This list can goon and on....
The good news is that you don't have to continue to suffer from these symptoms! There is so much that you can do to optimize your digestion and over-all gut health in order to ensure that you are breaking down your meals, absorbing nutrients and keeping your gut microbiome healthy and happy! You can start with my 4 Tips to support Good Digestion listed below.
If these symptoms have been going on for a long time I recommended looking into my 4 Month Gut Reset Program where we'll deep dive into your health while also using state-of-the-art microbiome testing in order to determine a comprehensive, personalized protocol to help you experience the results and long-term health benefits that you are looking for. Click below to view my services:
Here are 4 tips that you can begin implementing TODAY to help get your digestion and gut health back on track:
Enjoy 15% off my favorite Digestive Support Supplements when your purchase online here:
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