Good nutrition is absolutely essential to fueling the proper growth and development of your child's body and mind.
Every single cell, tissue, organ, hormone and neurotransmitter is made from the nutrients that we consume. As your child is rapidly developing, make sure their diet is rich in nutrient dense, whole foods. This will have an incredibly positive impact on their overall health, both now and for years to come:
Digestion, gut health and absorption of nutrients.
Cognitive function & academic performance.
Bone & muscle development + physical ability.
Emotion, mood and behavior regulation.
Immune system function.
Susceptibility to illness and disease.
Dental health.
Obesity prevention & healthy body image.
Lifelong dietary habits.
- Essential Nutrients for Growing Minds & Bodies -
Water - essential for every organ and process in the body, especially digestion, detoxification and cellular health.
`Be sure to use a high quality water filter or purchase natural spring water in glass.
Find a natural spring near you -
Avoid plastic bottles as they can leach toxic chemicals into your water.
Quality fats - helps to build and repair cells & tissues, aid with digestion, remove toxins from the body and provide long lasting energy, especially for the brain. Dietary fat is also required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E & K.
Butter, ghee and dairy - always purchase grass-fed/pasture raised and ideally "raw/unpasteurized"
Olive, Avocado, Coconut, sesame oils ~ always look for organic, cold pressed and unrefined.
Wild caught fish & seafood, grass-fed & pasture raised meat and poultry.
Sprouted nuts, seeds & butters. Avoid peanut unless organic as it often carries black mold, a known neurotoxin.
Avoid fried foods and toxic oils like canola, soybean and cottonseed oils, hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils, margarine and shortening.
Protein - protein is broken down into Amino Acids, which are the building blocks of the human body.
Pasture raised meat, poultry and eggs
Wild caught fish & seafood
Sprouted nuts, seeds and legumes
Grass-fed & raw dairy.
Carbohydrates - provide energy for building cells as well as for playing, thinking and learning.
Organic vegetables & fruits.
Grains and legumes - if tolerated and after being soaked, sprouted or fermented.
Natural sweeteners (raw honey, maple syrup) in small amounts.
Avoid refined & processed grains, sugars and artificial sweeteners.
Calcium (along with Vitamin D) - essential for building strong bones and teeth as well as for nerve, muscle and heart function.
Dark leafy greens, broccoli, figs.
Seeds: sesame, poppy & chia
Grass-fed, full fat and raw dairy.
Fish: salmon, tuna, swordfish and sardines
Iron - essential during accelerated growth as it is required for the production of blood, transportation of oxygen throughout the body and building of muscles.
Pasture raised red meat, wild caught fish
Soaked and sprouted beans
Vitamin A - essential for normal growth, vision and tissue repair.
Pasture raised eggs yolks, pasture raised beef liver, cod liver oil.
Organic vegetables - carrots, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, broccoli, cabbage,
B Vitamins - required for cellular health & energy production.
Pasture raised meats and poultry, wild caught fish and seafood,
Seeds, nuts, beans and legumes. whole grains - soaked and sprouted.
Dark leafy greens
Nutritional yeast
Folate (B9) - encourages healthy cell and tissue growth and is important for converting what we eat into energy.
Leafy greens, asparagus, beets, brussel sprouts, broccoli
Citrus fruits, bananas, papaya, avocado
Pasture raised beef liver
Sprouted legumes
Vitamin C - supports the immune system, helps to build strong tissues, muscles and skin.
Organic produce: citrus, tomatoes, strawberries, papayas, kiwi, mangos, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower and spinach.
Vitamin D - essential for calcium absorption, bone, heart and immune health.
Wild caught fish and cod liver oil
Grass-fed & raw butter,
Pasture raised egg yolks
Zinc - required for metabolic processes that stimulate and regulate growth especially pertaining to motor skills, attention and learning.
Pasture raised red meat
Wild caught shellfish
Grass-fed, raw dairy
Pasture raised eggs
Fiber - promotes microbiome balance, gut health, immunity + proper digestion and elimination.
A variety of colorful vegetables enjoyed raw & cooked
Organic fruit, especially berries and apples. Eat the peel!
Soaked and sprouted seeds, nuts and legumes
- Raising Healthy Eaters -
Food should be fun! Encourage your child to have a healthy relationship with food and don't fuss over them finishing their plate. Encourage them to be in tune with their body by understanding when they are truly hungry, when they are full and to recognize when certain foods contribute to feeling good or bad.
Here are a few tips to help encourage healthy, happy eaters:
Grow fresh herbs & veggies at home.
Include them in the grocery planning & shopping.
Discuss the colors and varieties of different foods.
Meal prep and cook together. Get creative and have fun!
Encourage them to try new flavors and textures.
Eat together as a family.
Don't rush meal time to allow for proper digestion and so that they can assess their appetite and stop when full.
Visit a local farm so that they can see where their food comes from.
Model healthy eating yourself and refrain from making negative comments about body image.
Avoid using food as a reward.
- Family Friendly Recipes -
Check out these delicious recipes that are perfect for nourishing the entire family!
- Supplements for Kiddos -
Ensure that your children are getting all of the nutrients that they need to thrive!
CLICK HERE to view and order these products directly to your doorstep.
Megasporbiotic - a spore based probiotic to promote healthy gut, digestion and immune system health.
Biotics Research Biomega 3 Liquid - Omega 3 fatty acids to support brain and nervous system development.
Megafood Children's Multi - Full spectrum of essential nutrients to support your child's over-all growth and development.
Ayush Herbs Ashwaghanda - Helps calm the mind to encourage focus and restful sleep. Also great for seasonal immune support.
Nutrition to support optimal growth and development in youth, Barbara Lyle, PhD, Kerry Health & Nutrition Institute
Best Non-Dairy Sources for Calcium, Harvard Health Publishing
Kids Need Their Nutrients, Stanford Children's Health
Raising Healthy Eaters, Dr. Mark Hyman
Taking the 'Icky' Out of Picky Eaters, Jen Allbritton, Weston A Price Foundation
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